Channels and collaterals recuperation

作者:cm 发布于:2011-4-15 11:24 Friday



Every time when I take a business trip to Shanghai, I always take a Channels and collaterals recuperation in Xuhui Store of Chong Jing Tang which is located in Xietu Road from afar. It clears up my mind from the languor of business and the recurrence of the gastrointestinal problem caused by the frequent business entertainments. People, especially businessmen like me value regimen more and more, but suffer from time and are lack of patience. I have heard of Chong Jing Tang, a Chinese traditional medicine regimen organization from a friend in Shanghai. It was described as magical as Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils scenes and both Ren Meridian and Du Meridian can be opened up. It piqued my curiosity and I went to find out myself. Although I have been to so many places and have experienced so much, I was so impressed by its elegant atmosphere, the therapist's skilled techniques and its extensive and profound culture.  

这次听说中经堂在古北黄金城道又开了家门店,当然要去搜奇探密一番。很远就看见中西合璧的门头和两尊古雅别致的元式石狮,一侧悬挂着“上海市中医药学会养生中心”的牌匾。进门首先映入眼帘的就是熟悉的经络铜人像,令人想起古代传说中三缄其口的铜人,不同的是,此铜人的身上正在吐露着神秘的讯息。后方是由传奇“红色御医”王敏清老先生题词的屏风,将二楼的入口很好的隐藏起来。登楼转身,迎面是一方大理石屏,上镌《黄帝内经》十九字真言——“经脉者,所以能决生死,处百病,调虚实,不可不通”。忽然想起上次调理师对我说的,经络的重要在于,它决定人的生死寿命,经络不通则百病皆生,经络通则百病自消。体验过经络调理的我,现在更能体会这话的分量了。二楼弥漫着浓郁的艾草香气,无数间调理室在柔和的灯光中依次呈现,远处走廊旋转,隐约可见红色帷幕垂地的 VIP 包间,半开的门内,古董架、明式家具,布置典雅。  


As having been told that there is a new store newly opened in Golden City Road in Gubei District, I surely would go and check it out myself. First of all, a pair of Yuan style stone carving lion came into my sight, together with the tablet of 'Shanghai Chinese Traditional Medicine Regimen Center of the Institute for Chinese Medicine'. Then it was a bronze portrait sculpture of the meridian, which reminded me of the mum bronze figure in the traditional legend, the only difference is this one is merely revealing a secret message. A folding screen which has the inscription by Mr. Minqing Wang has been located behind the bronze figure and has well covered the entrance to the second floor. After walking up the stairs and turning around, a marble screen came into my view, carved with the nineteen-word Veritas that quoted from The Inner Canon of Huangdi: It is the Channels and collaterals that make us live or die, heal the sick or disease, condition the weak or strong body, so that they must be unobstructed. It recalled the therapist's words in my previous experience. He said that the importance of the Channels and collaterals is that they can decide the length of our life. We would get sick when they are unobstructed, on the contrary, we wouldn't be brothered by any diseases when they can work well. I now can understand the meaning of this saying more than ever as I have experienced in person. The wormwood aroma was spreading around, countless conditioning rooms has been presented orderly in the soft lighting, VIP special rooms have been carefully designed and furnished with antique frames, Ming dynasty style furnitures and red curtains down to the floor. 

亲眼所见脏腑排出的瘀毒 Being a witness of the Elimination of Toxins

进了 VIP 包间,首先做群罐排毒。这里用的是独创的“悬针罐”,按经络走向排群罐,象北斗七星似的,别处从未见过。最近喝酒太多,脂肪肝恐怕又雪上加霜了,口干舌苦,吃饭老是没胃口。做了 1 个钟头,我很老练地用镜子一照背上,乖乖,一堆血泡,颜色发黑。难看是难看,但是也放心了,知道这几个月的烟酒、富贵病邪毒又拔出了不少,回去又可以舒坦一阵了。

After entering the VIP special room, the first thing was to do the Multi-Cupping. The unique cupping used here is called 'Hanging Cupping'. The cups have been placed right as how the Channels and collaterals run, which make them look like the Big Dipper. My fatty liver had been greatly suffered from my over-drinking recently. My mouth always felt dry and my tongue felt bitter. Furthermore, I lost my appetite. I have enjoyed an one-hour treatment. I, according to my previous experience, looked myself into a mirror and gladly saw bunches of black blood blister. I was so relieved because I knew that so ugly it was but the toxins raised by smoking and drinking had been significantly eliminated, and I would be comfortable for quite a while.


打通任督二脉 Open up the Ren Meridian and the Du Meridian


The next step is to guide Qi downward with acupuncture points. I have suffered from chest stuffiness a lot recently not only because of the personnel adjustments in my firm, but also because the comparisons that my wife kept making with other families in the community. The therapist smiled and pointed out the cause and told me that a thorough recuperation was badly needed. He then operated 'Open Hand' to open up the Ren Meridian in my front chest and the Du Meridian on my back. Every stuck point got smoothed and released wherever the internal force went. A hot and anaesthesia force ran down to the hands and feet from the chest. My fingers swelled and there was heat coming out from the center of my hand. I felt delightful and pleasant than I ever was.

做个健康富贵闲人 To be a healthy and rich free man

最后换到药浴室,来个周天药浴。有个朋友说我上辈子是“富贵闲人”,所以这辈子才忙碌不得闲。躺在红色帷幕半遮的药浴池里,温泉漫过周身,药香萦绕,灯光朦胧,感受“偷得浮生半日闲”的轻松惬意,三万六千个毛孔,无一个不畅快。恍惚中仿佛来到了明代的某处王 侯府邸,真的成了富贵闲人。看来老友此言不虚也。

A medicine spa was the last procedure. A friend once said that I must be a rich free man in my previous life so that I have to be so busy to make it up. Lying down in the curtain half covered medicine spa with the dim lighting, being soaked by the spring water and surrounded by the pleasant medicine smell, I was completely released and calmed myself down, and felt the life of 'Steal a little leisure from a busy life' as described by the great poet Bai Li. Every pore among all the thousands felt extreme joy, and I felt myself was like a real rich free man in a royal palace sometime in Ming Dynasty, just like what my friend has mentioned.  


上海市中医药学会中医养生中心、中国中医科学院科技合作中心、上海市 治未病 发展研究中心联手国内知名经络养生机构中经堂,鼎力打造出代表业界高端水准的中经堂经络养生中心( ),并联合上海中医药大学、华山医院、龙华医院、曙光医院及专业院校的中医学博士后、博士等,提供经络养生在线咨询,精准辨证看待身体类型、答疑解惑,专业的 400 800 电话咨询: 4009202919,8008205890

Shanghai Chinese Traditional Medicine Regimen Center of the Institute for Chinese Medicine, The Technological Collaborating Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Science and The Development and Research Center for The Preventive Treatment of Disease of Shanghai have united Chong Jing Tang, the well-known organization on regimen of channels and collaterals to build Chong JingTang, the top standard regimen center ( ). Together with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hua Shan Hospital, Longhua Hospital, Shuguang Hospital, and Medical Postdoctoral researchers and Doctors in professional institutes, we offer on-line regimen of channels and collaterals consulting, tell your body types and answer professional questions. Call us now on: 4009202919,8008205890.     




标签: chongjingtang inauguration

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